About Laurie

If my voice sounds familiar, you may have heard me, Laurie Hardie, on Komo AM1000 weekday afternoons and evenings give a traffic report. I work with Paul Tosh to keep you informed!
My radio career dates back into the '80s and added coaching in the early '90s.
My radio career dates back into the '80s and added coaching in the early '90s.
About Suzette
My childhood dream was simply to be the best mom in the world. I had a great mom and I felt sorry for all my friends who didn't like their mom.
I was discerning in finding a man who believed in my dream and blessed that God paved the way to make my dream a reality. Of course, I now know that I was only the best mom for MY kids, but that's OK because that's all that matters! As my youngest became a pre- teen, I realized that it was time for me to begin preparing for my next phase of life and start dreaming again. When I read an article about Coaching, I immediately knew I wanted to explore the idea of becoming a coach. In my process, a good friend who is a counselor, suggested I contact Laurie which I did immediately. I hired Laurie to coach me through the exploration and decision making process. The rest is history! After attending school, becoming certified and establishing myself as a coach with my business Coaching For Wholly Living, Laurie contacted me asking me to co-host her dream radio show. While I had never dreamed of hosting a radio show, I had been praying for a way to expose a larger population to the benefits of taking the coach approach to life and/or coaching more folks than I could possibly do on a one-to-one basis. Her dream was the answer to my prayer and quickly became my dream too! I love working and hosting the show with Laurie. With a degree in PR it is fun to have the opportunity to use those skills in promoting the show. It has become a new hobby!! Other hobbies include entertaining with my husband (he's a fantastic cook!), meeting up with friends and acquaintances for the purpose of mutual encouragement, traveling with and doting on my husband and sons, gardening, skiing, pretending I'm a great singer, buying groupons, and a myriad of other things I don't do often enough! |