Did you know that only 30 percent of people are interested in making improvements and living their dream? Are you one of the 30%?
If you are conducting groups or meetings you might find an idea or encouragement in today's audio blog. If you are thinking about it and ready to take the step of leadership maybe this will help, listen to today's audio blog.
Nancy is wrapping up her time with "Coffee with the Coaches" because her dream has becao
Have you ever been in a leadership role that you don't really want? What would it be like to step down and let a new leader show up? How about a leadership role you want but are timid about? Leadership Step up to the plate and take the bull by the horns or be courageous enough to step down if it is not for you.
Suzette and I just did a "Biznik" event about leading small groups or meetings, this is a spin off of that. What makes you want to go back to a group? If you were to lead a group, what would you incorporate to get people to return each week?
Suzette / Laurie
Encourage Archives
September 2011
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