Maybe you think you are too old, or it is too late, not enough money. It is about taking action one step at a time. We encourage you to take steps toward your dream. We will challenge you to challenge yourself. One step at a time. You might say “I could never do that”, we say what if? Maybe you start looking at photo’s magazine’s start reviving the dream. Together we will face the challenges that go with moving into your dream. To believe big, you have doubts and we get to encourage you. Our purpose is to help others along the way. We all want to matter, to be seen to make a difference. We can do it with what we love.
We all have down times thinking this is as good as it gets, that is okay but what if there is better? What if there is bigger what if we could help people help people. It’s changing the me to we. Helping others takes you from living your life about you to living for others doing what you love.
We need you! We need sponsors, listeners and that is why we are posting blogs and audio blogs. We hope you will pass them on, each one address a different issue. Coaching is about asking the questions, stirring the pot, encouraging you to think outside the box, a little differently.
What can I do to make a difference? There is one thing I can do today. What if you end each day asking yourself, what one thing did I do today to make a difference? What did I do to get closer to my goal?
We want to know who you are and what your dream is and how we can support you in your dream.
This is free coaching on air and on line. If you call into the show you will help others struggling with the same issues. The goal is the show and the community we build with it. The connections that will be made, mentoring that will happen. We are in the beginning steps, Laurie works in radio and we are both life coaches.
This coaching show is about you. You don’t have to accept “this is good as it gets”
We love what we are doing and we want you to be a part of it.